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The Experience Durham Needs

I am a professional urban planner who specializes in helping cities across the South manage their growth in a sustainable and equitable manner.

As a member of Durham's Planning Commission since 2018, I have fought for progressive initiatives like walkability improvements, inclusionary planning, and transit-oriented development.

I am a Durham native and for the past ten years, I have been actively engaged in regional politics and local community organizing. 

Rapid growth requires sustainable and equitable planning solutions. I have helped multiple growing cities implement those solutions successfully, and I am prepared to do the same in Durham if I am elected to the Board of Commissioners. 

Professional Planning Projects
Speeches & Publications


An Experienced Urban Planner

Nate is a professional urban planner with a Master's degree in City and Regional Planning from UNC-Chapel Hill.


Throughout my career, I have helped multiple Southern cities initiate truly inclusive, community-driven strategies to address their most pressing issues. I am excited to bring that experience to Durham.

A Durhamite & A Dog-owner

Nate was born and raised in Durham. He attended Durham Public Schools, swam in the Eno River, and played baseball with the North Durham Little League. His rescue pup, Scarlett, has given Nate her full endorsement.

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Durham is changing fast. I want to help our city grow and evolve while remaining true to its character and respectful of its past. 

Follow our campaign on Instagram for information on important Durham issues (and important Scarlett pics!)

Active, Informed, & Engaged

For over ten years, Nate has been actively invested in regional politics, local policy initiatives, and community organizing.


We must work together, as a community, if we want to solve the many challenges Durham is facing. I will fight to empower all Durham residents - including our historically marginalized populations - and give them the resources they need to shape their own future in our growing city.

Home: Issues


Creating a Green Durham

A carbon-neutral community by 2045

Sierra Club Endorsement Seal_Color.eps-7

Our County needs bold solutions to tackle the triple threat of climate change, inequality, and public health crisis. I will fight for habitat protection, parks, and sustainability and am committed to making Durham carbon neutral by 2045.

Supporting our Farmers and Rural Residents

 A vibrant rural economy

Our farmers and rural residents are important members of our Durham community. I pledge to support those residents and foster a vibrant and innovative rural economy, with an eye toward producing food locally.

Excellent Education

High quality and inclusive public schools

Don't see an issue that is important to you? 

In a perfect world, special interests at the state and federal levels would not use children for profit and ALL schools would be public and would be funded equally. We do not live in a perfect world, but we must do all that we can to provide our children with excellent education, inside and outside the classroom.


the issues that are most important to you as a Durham resident 


our city from big money interests that are pro-sprawl & anti-environment 



Transparent, Accountable, Responsive

Good government that serves everyone

Durham is a place for all. To achieve anything, I pledge to seek solutions and devise priorities from the bottom up and from rural to urban.

Ending Sprawl and Managing Growth

A walkable sustainable built environment

Our current trend of bulldozing nearly a square mile of forest and farmland every year for sprawl development is unsustainable and unjust to future generations. It's time to end sprawl once and for all.

Universal PreK

A more just early education system

I will continue the work that our County has done and fight for universal Pre-K. What value could possibly be greater than ensuring all our children have equal opportunity to learn and thrive?

Building and Protecting Social Housing

Affordable, accessible, and high quality housing

Housing is a right, period. With increasingly limited resources from the state and federal government, we must work with partners to grow the permanent countywide stock of affordable housing and protect and maintain our existing stock.

Mobility Justice

Reliable, affordable, convenient for all

Our national, state, and local transportation investments are warped. It's time to dramatically change our transportation priorities. Durham must create reliable, affordable, convenient transit and rebuild our transportation infrastructure for walking and biking, if we are to prosper and provide a high quality of life for all residents.

Economic Fairness

Democratic workplaces and dignified jobs

I am committed to pursuing every tool in the toolbox to raise wages and benefits, create economic opportunities, support collective bargaining, train our workforce, grow good jobs, and pursue worker-ownership solutions.

Vibrant Media Ecosystem

Popular Journalism Vouchers

The disintegration of local journalism comes at the expense of democracy. We need to establish a journalism fund and provide every resident in Durham with an annual twenty-dollar media voucher that can be spent on a local nonprofit news outlet overseen by an independent commission.

Long Term Fiscal Planning

Strong finances for decades to come

We must invest and plan now to wisely use limited resources over the long term. Smart planning and capital investments is key to ensuring fairness and accountability for current generations and all those that will follow us.


Please consider supporting our people-driven campaign!

Every dollar counts. Even the smallest donations help support our efforts to protect the voice, interests, and values of everyday Durham citizens.



Getting involved in local politics is an incredible way to make a positive impact on your community and meet like-minded people who share your vision for Durham!


Our campaign depends on volunteers who are passionate about creating a brighter future for Durham. 
Learn more about upcoming opportunities to help by entering your contact information below!

Spread the Word

Do you like Nate's vision for Durham? Tell your friends about our campaign! Actively engaging in the social media accounts of local politicians is one of the easiest ways to support a grassroots candidate.

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Follow @NateForDurham!

Register & Vote

Durham is changing fast and the decisions we make today will impact our city for years to come. We would love your vote, but even if we didn't win you over (yet!) we still want your voice to be heard. 

Press Inquiries: Click HERE 

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Empowering Durham Communities

Enact real system changes that allow residents to shape the future of Durham.

Taking Bold Action on Climate Change

Make Durham walkable & carbon-neutral - End suburban sprawl & improve public transit

Funding & Improving Public Education

Expand Universal Pre-K - Increase the investments in our schools and our educators 

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